The config.json file format

In the context of subuser, a config.json file is a file with subuser settings.

The config.json files are to be arranged into a fallback-hierarchy. Subuser will first look up properties in the file ~/.subuser/config.json falling back to:

  • /etc/subuser/config.json
  • $SUBUSERDIR/config.json

Each config file may be partial. That is, if the user wants to specify some options, but leave others as their default values, they can simply ommit those options that they do not wish to change.

$SUBUSERDIR is the directory where the subuser source resides. It corresponds to the root of this git repository.

Each config.json file is to be a valid json file containing a single json object.


The defaults settings for these properties may be found in $SUBUSERDIR/config.json.

Note on paths: Each path is to be absolute. Any environment variables of the form $VARIABLE_NAME will be expanded.

  • bin-dir: This is the directory where subuser “executables” are to be installed. This directory should be in the user’s path.
type: string - path to directory
  • registry-dir : This is the path to the git repository where the registry files for subusers and installed images are stored.
type: string - path to git repository
  • repositories-dir : This is the path to the directory where subuser repositories are stored.
type: string - path to git repository
  • installed-images-list: path of installed-images.json file
type: string - path to json file
  • runtime-cache: path of the runtime-cache directory
type: string - path to a directory
  • locked-subusers-path: path to locked-subusers.json file.
type: path to json file.
  • subuser-home-dirs-dir: The directory where subuser is to store the home directories of each subuser.
type: string - path to directory
  • lock-dir: Path to directory which contains lock files.
type: string - path to directory
  • x11-bridge: The type of bridge to use to securely connect desktop applications to the host’s x11 server.

type: string - multiple choice

The choices are: xpra (there is currently only one.)

  • volumes-dir: Path to directory which contains docker volumes which are managed by subuser.
type: string - path to directory
  • user: It is possible to run subuser as root rather than making your main user a member of the docker group. If you choose to do so, you can use this option to tell subuser what your main user is.
type: string - username