# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A repository is a collection of ``ImageSource`` s which are published in a git repo.
#external imports
import os
import shutil
import json
#internal imports
from subuserlib.classes.userOwnedObject import UserOwnedObject
from subuserlib.classes.imageSource import ImageSource
from subuserlib.classes.describable import Describable
from subuserlib.classes.gitRepository import GitRepository
from subuserlib.classes.fileStructure import BasicFileStructure
import subuserlib.version
[docs]class Repository(dict,UserOwnedObject,Describable):
def __init__(self,user,name,gitOriginURI=None,gitCommitHash=None,temporary=False,sourceDir=None):
Repositories can either be managed by git, or simply be normal directories on the user's computer. If ``sourceDir`` is not set to None, then ``gitOriginURI`` is ignored and the repository is assumed to be a simple directory.
self.__name = name
self.__gitOriginURI = gitOriginURI
self.__lastGitCommitHash = gitCommitHash
self.__temporary = temporary
self.__sourceDir = sourceDir
self.__fileStructure = None
self.__gitRepository = GitRepository(user,self.getRepoPath())
if not self.isPresent():
self.__repoConfig = self.loadRepoConfig()
if self.isPresent():
[docs] def getName(self):
return self.__name
[docs] def getURI(self):
if self.isLocal():
return self.getSourceDir()
return self.getGitOriginURI()
[docs] def getSourceDir(self):
return self.__sourceDir
[docs] def getGitOriginURI(self):
return self.__gitOriginURI
[docs] def getGitRepository(self):
return self.__gitRepository
[docs] def getFileStructure(self):
if self.__fileStructure is None:
if self.isLocal():
self.__fileStructure = BasicFileStructure(self.getSourceDir())
if self.getGitCommitHash() is None:
self.__fileStructure = self.getGitRepository().getFileStructureAtCommit(self.getGitCommitHash())
return self.__fileStructure
[docs] def getDisplayName(self):
How should we refer to this repository when communicating with the user?
if self.isTemporary():
if self.isLocal():
return self.getSourceDir()
return self.getGitOriginURI()
return self.getName()
[docs] def describe(self):
print("Repository: "+self.getDisplayName())
if self.isLocal():
print("Is a local(non-git) repository.")
if not self.isTemporary():
print("Located at: " + self.getRepoPath())
if self.isTemporary():
print("Is a temporary repository.")
if not self.isLocal():
print("Cloned from: "+self.getGitOriginURI())
print("Currently at commit: "+self.getGitCommitHash())
[docs] def getSortedList(self):
Return a list of image sources sorted by name.
return list(sorted(self.values(),key=lambda imageSource:imageSource.getName()))
[docs] def getRepoPath(self):
""" Get the path of the repo's sources on disk. """
if self.isLocal():
return self.getSourceDir()
return os.path.join(self.getUser().getConfig()["repositories-dir"],self.getName())
[docs] def loadRepoConfig(self):
Either returns the config as a dictionary or None if no configuration exists or can be parsed.
def verifyPaths(dictionary,paths):
Looks through a dictionary at all entries that can be considered to be paths, and ensures that they do not contain any relative upwards references.
Throws a ValueError if they do.
for path in paths:
if path in dictionary and path.startswith("../") or "/../" in path:
raise ValueError("Paths in .subuser.json may not be relative to a higher directory.")
if self.getFileStructure().exists("./.subuser.json"):
configFileContents = self.getFileStructure().read("./.subuser.json")
return None
repoConfig = json.loads(configFileContents)
# Validate untrusted input
if "explicit-image-sources" in repoConfig:
for explicitImageSource in repoConfig["explicit-image-sources"]:
return repoConfig
[docs] def getRepoConfig(self):
return self.__repoConfig
[docs] def getImageSourcesDir(self):
Get the path of the repo's subuser root on disk on the host.
return os.path.join(self.getRepoPath(),self.getRelativeImageSourcesDir())
[docs] def getRelativeImageSourcesDir(self):
Get the path of the repo's subuser root on disk on the host.
repoConfig = self.getRepoConfig()
if repoConfig and "image-sources-dir" in repoConfig:
return repoConfig["image-sources-dir"]
return "./"
[docs] def isTemporary(self):
return self.__temporary
[docs] def isInUse(self):
Are there any installed images or subusers from this repository?
for _,installedImage in self.getUser().getInstalledImages().items():
if self.getName() == installedImage.getSourceRepoId():
return True
for _,subuser in self.getUser().getRegistry().getSubusers().items():
if self.getName() == subuser.getImageSource().getRepository().getName():
return True
except subuserlib.classes.subuser.NoImageSourceException:
return False
[docs] def isLocal(self):
if self.__sourceDir:
return True
return False
[docs] def removeGitRepo(self):
Remove the downloaded git repo associated with this repository from disk.
if not self.isLocal():
[docs] def isPresent(self):
Returns True if the repository's files are present on the system. (Cloned or local)
return os.path.exists(self.getRepoPath())
[docs] def updateSources(self,initialUpdate=False):
Pull(or clone) the repo's ImageSources from git origin.
if self.isLocal():
if not self.isPresent():
new = True
self.getUser().getRegistry().log("Cloning repository "+self.getName()+" from "+self.getGitOriginURI())
if self.getGitRepository().clone(self.getGitOriginURI()) != 0:
self.getUser().getRegistry().log("Clone failed.")
new = False
except Exception: # For some reason, git outputs normal messages to stderr.
if self.updateGitCommitHash():
if not new:
self.getUser().getRegistry().logChange("Updated repository "+self.getDisplayName())
if not initialUpdate:
[docs] def serializeToDict(self):
Return a dictionary which describes the image sources available in this repository.
imageSourcesDict = {}
for name,imageSource in self.items():
imageSourcesDict[name] = {}
return imageSourcesDict
[docs] def loadImageSources(self):
Load ImageSources from disk into memory.
imageNames = self.getFileStructure().lsFolders(self.getRelativeImageSourcesDir())
imageNames = [os.path.basename(path) for path in imageNames]
for imageName in imageNames:
imageSource = ImageSource(self.getUser(),self,imageName)
if self.getFileStructure().exists(imageSource.getRelativePermissionsFilePath()):
self[imageName] = imageSource
if self.getRepoConfig() is not None and "explicit-image-sources" in self.getRepoConfig():
for imageName,config in self.getRepoConfig()["explicit-image-sources"].items():
assert config is not None
self[imageName] = ImageSource(self.getUser(),self,imageName,explicitConfig = config)
[docs] def updateGitCommitHash(self):
Update the internally stored git commit hash to the current git HEAD of the repository.
Returns True if the repository has been updated.
Otherwise false.
if self.isLocal():
return True
# Default
newCommitHash = self.getGitRepository().getHashOfRef("refs/remotes/origin/master")
# First we check for version constraints on the repository.
if self.getGitRepository().getFileStructureAtCommit("master").exists("./.subuser.json"):
configFileContents = self.getGitRepository().getFileStructureAtCommit("master").read("./.subuser.json")
configAtMaster = json.loads(configFileContents)
if "subuser-version-constraints" in configAtMaster:
versionConstraints = configAtMaster["subuser-version-constraints"]
subuserVersion = subuserlib.version.getSubuserVersion(self.getUser())
for constraint in versionConstraints:
if not len(constraint) == 3:
raise SyntaxError("Error in .subuser.json file. Invalid subuser-version-constraints."+ str(versionConstraints))
op,version,commit = constraint
from operator import lt,le,eq,ge,gt
operators = {"<":lt,"<=":le,"==":eq,">=":ge,">":gt}
matched = operators[op](subuserVersion,version)
except KeyError:
raise SyntaxError("Error in .subuser.json file. Invalid subuser-version-constraints. \""+op+"\" is not a valid operator.\n\n"+ str(versionConstraints))
if matched:
newCommitHash = self.getGitRepository().getHashOfRef("refs/remotes/origin/"+commit)
except OSError as e:
if len(commit) == 40:
newCommitHash = commit
raise e
raise SyntaxError("Error reading .subuser.json file, no version constraints matched the current subuser version ("+subuserVersion+").\n\n"+str(versionConstraints))
updated = not (newCommitHash == self.__lastGitCommitHash)
self.__lastGitCommitHash = newCommitHash
self.__fileStructure = None
return updated
[docs] def getGitCommitHash(self):
return self.__lastGitCommitHash