The installed-images.json file format -------------------------------- Each user is to have an ``installed-images.json`` file which holds a registry of installed docker images and some NON-USER-SET attributes about those images which are useful to subuser. This is an autogenerated and non-user-editable file. Do not edit it! Each installed-images.json file is to be a valid `json `_ file containing a json object at the top level. This object maps image ids to json objects which have the following attributes: * ``source-repo``: Id of the subuser repository from which the image was installed. Ex:: "source-repo" : "default" Or if the repository is annonymous:: "source-repo" : 1 * ``source-image``: Name of the progam source from which this image was built. Ex:: "source-image" : "firefox" * ``image-source-hash``: SHA-1 hash of the ``image`` directory of the image source. Ex:: "image-source-hash" : "51bcf28bcd4c01200ab7abd97d22a325e940fbd6" Depricated: ----------- * ``last-update-time``: This is the ``last-update-time`` that was listed in the permissions.json file of the image source when the image was installed, or the last time the image was updated. Ex:: ,"last-update-time" : "2014-02-12-12:59" **Note**: If the source image's ``permissions.json`` file listed no ``last-update-time`` this will be the actual clock time at which the image was installed.